Pregnant and wondering if you can colour your hair?

It’s a fact that many women experiences changes in their hair during pregnancy. These often include an increase in hair density and shininess, and may also include changes in hair texture (such as more or less natural curl), slight changes in colour, and increased hair growth speed. A hair colouring appointment might be desired to keep up with the new growth, or simply as a treat. If you are pregnant or trying to get pregnant, you may be wondering – is it safe for my baby’s health to colour my hair during pregnancy?
The short answer is yes, according to current research it is safe to colour your hair while pregnant and after when you may be breastfeeding. This research indicates that compounds in permanent and semi-permanent hair dyes are not dangerously toxic and are safe for use during pregnancy. Although dye may come into contact with your skin during a colour application, only a very small amount is actually absorbed into your skin. Such a small amount, many experts agree, is not sufficient to cause any harm to the developing baby.
In spite of these assurances, for your own peace of mind, there are extra precautions you can take in terms of colouring your hair while pregnant. Having highlightsor balayage involves little-to-no contact of any hair colour/lightener with your skin, instead concentrating on hair shafts only. Another option to consider is waiting until the second or third trimester of pregnancy to get your colour service, since the first trimester is the most rapid phase of the baby’s development. If you are pregnant and wanting a colour service, talk to your stylist about options!